We are a group of friends that are looking for new clan members to play with. We are an active clan who play every day, who will do any unachieved activity's with people whether noobs or allstars. We destroy any hard activity, and we solo crotas and go flawless every week. We all have gjallys, but that's not mandatory. We'll accept anybody that wants to join. We have a weekly rotation of how we do things: Tuesday- weekly's; Wednesday- Crota's; Thursday-VOGs ;Friday- Trials; Saturday-POE(32,34,35);Sunday and Monday-a bit of everything. When it comes right down to it, we just want a group that we can play with each and every week. Hope to see you soon,
It's fine welcome to the bloodline raiders :)
My name is BondBeyondTime and I appreciate you letting me join if that's cool. I have gone flawless once I have two 34s and my Titan is in progress. But anyways thanks for letting me join!