What about mine, bb?
Sexy just like you
[spoiler]How kind.[/spoiler]
What do you think of my hunter
Edited by TehPwnShow: 8/3/2015 3:56:58 AMIt's nice. Your Titan is better tho
Says an Xbox one player..
Umm says a PlayStation player with an ugly Hunter?
Mine is best
Lol no sorry bro
You have no place to speak
But I don't go around claiming I have the best looking Hunter ever, now do I?
I hope you are kidding, that is ugly
Yours is mediocre
Why so many knives?
Where else am I gonna keep all my throwing knives : )
Look at mine :)
Pretty nice. I just don't like the trials gauntlets
I like em :)
Check mine out.
I'm not a fan of your armor or shader =\