[quote]Let's see
-more guns then vanilla destiny
-faction weapons
-weapons involving the vanguard
-a new patrol type
-more end game content than just a raid
- a new area bigger than any of the planets
-more bosses than vanilla and probably all the two dlcs
-an actual story (it is confirmed weapons will have back stories)
-new weapon perks/types[/quote]
Let's see,
-more guns? It's basically more vague blue guns no one will use, and some extremely common legendary drops from crucible and strikes
-faction weapons? Nothing new. They always rotate when a dlc drops
-weapons involving vanguard? More weapon rotation. Nothing new.
-a new patrol TYPE? As far as I know, this is just a new, larger and more useless patrol to add onto the disapointment list.
-more end game content than a raid? Like?? The new strikes? Wow so end game! Much content! Very doge¡
-a new area bigger than all others? As stated before, patrol is utterly useless. 80% of the player base didn't even know about the grotto location on earth patrol until a DLC used it as a reskinned mission.
-more bosses than vanilla and dlc? More giant knights and slightly altered wizards?
-an actual story? Does it come with a message saying," Guys, the Destiny Beta is OVER!!"
-New weapon perks? Nothing new. Last time this happened (HoW), the new perks were an EXTREME letdown
Gr8 b8 m8 but don't forget that s8ire tag
Did u even read the weekly updates lol