The Taken King should be changed to The King of Taken your Money.
The DLC is overpriced at $40.
It is not worth $40...Activi$ we ALL well disgusting when it comes to scamming people.
Destiny is on its last leg with milking beyond belief since both Bungie and Activi$ion know that all the good games are coming out soon (SW Battlefront, Uncharted 4, Deus Ex, Doom, Fallout 4, Dishonored 2, Need for Speed 2015, etc.)
This [url][/url] is the King of Taken your 💰's theme song.
Reduce the price at whats truly worth ($20) or you WILL lose sales Bungie and Activi$on........
If you don't like it then leave already. If half these people that talk shit would stand up for what they say and go, then I'm pretty sure bungie would notice the drop in the player base and POSSIBLY reconsider their current strategies. Possibly. But the problem here is that all these people who claim they aren't going to buy TTK either have already purchased it or are planning on purchasing it. Why else would they stick around? Are you gonna tell me that you are really going to keep wasting your time on a game that you are no longer going to invest in? Or that HoW has really given you enough content to still be playing several months later? Please.