Need one for a flawless run. Must have at least 3620 Grimoire for intimidation. We have 3425 and 3555. Message inFAMOUS Tigger for invite.
I know that but all I'm saying is that you can play a bunch of guys with high grimoire & they can be trash.. You know what I mean right?
I do. It was mostly a joke. I've gotten so much hate over these posts. We actually ended up carrying someone with 2700
Good on you man!
Well... Attempting
Grimoire points don't mean shit! I've got 2830 & can still beat down a bunch of scrubs with 3,500+ on trials SMH!
It's for intimidation...
It doesn't intimidate though it just shows you've killed more thrall & fallen than everyone else haha
Their are crucible cards too...