I love how everyone just assumes it is overpriced when they haven't even played it.
$40, even £40 (which is what I will be paying) is really not much. That's like half of one day's work even on a low wage. People say it's about the principle, but it's not really. It's simply a question of if I will get £40 worth of entertainment out of it. Obviously, since I also haven't played it, I can't say for sure, but given how much enjoyment I've got from Destiny and its DLCs so far, and what we have seen of TTK, I think it is almost certain that it will be worth it.
Not minimum wage in the states.
Here's how I see it.. -Last two expansions (TDB/HoW) $20 a piece =$40 -TTK {bigger than TDB/HoW combined} $40 ...so pricing seems reasonable :)
You forgot that they priced those class items and emotes at 20 extra dollars as well. So they consider a handful of cosmetics the same value as TDB or HOW. Seems about right.
Well said and 100% truth!