As you walk around you come across a man dressed in a green raincoat and wearing a boonie hat that's concealing most of his face. He's sitting crossed legged in an alley on a piece of cardboard, with an '8' written in chalk infront of him. He's reading a book. ((I'm pretty sure I'm authorized to do this))
[b]Walks up to him[/b]
He keeps reading for a bit, and stops when he notices you approaching. He closes his book with one hand and greets you "Ello there, I know a copper when I see one, and you, I know you ain't no copper miss. Now, the only reason why a looker such as ye would come alone to an alley, is ye're either lookin' for trouble, or a fix" He says with raspy words you barely understand, but he seems surprisingly astute for a junkie. "So tell me me darlin', what's yer poison?"
His eyes widen a bit, but not in surprise, just simple amazement. "A wizard I see, no problem love, they're 1,000 a pill"
Edited by Kain The Slain: 8/3/2015 3:13:26 PM[b]she pushes him against a wall[/b] "Or I could just take them"
A sweat drop slides down his forehead and he gives an apprehensive smile. "Of course you could. But I ain't got much on me, and after this word will spread to the other junkies. it ain't worth it dear" He responds with a shaky tone, he's just barely remaining calm. "I got a sick mum to care for anyway, if ye wanna rob some kappies I'm sure there are better places for one with yer skills"
"You think I care if word gets to the other junkies? You think I care about your problem? Tell me have you ever been flayed before?"
His eyes widen at the term, even tho he doesn't know what it means. " ...no" he responds.
"Well then today will be fun for you"
"All right all right!" He shouts, this time with clear fear in his tone. "I only got three in me coat, but I keep a wee bit more in a baggie, under this here piece of cardboard!" He says referencing the cardboard he's stepping on.
"I'm taking all of it"
"Take it! Just put me down and leave me!"
[b]takes the pills and leaves[/b]
As the junkie drops to the floor he pants and catches his breath. He rests his head against the wall and mutters "This damned city sometimes" (You found 5 pills)
[b]disappears into the night [/b]