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8/2/2015 6:26:58 PM

UK price vs US price, has bungie got zero gratitude for UK fans.

I read something on some website that The next DLC for destiny will cost $39:99 in the USA... So I was like ahh cool!! With exchange rate it will be cheaper in the UK ......until I kept reading and I noticed the pound sign (£) next to that woofing 39,99.... As I read I became more and more disappointed and decided to look up some interviews.... I checked out the euro gamer slammers and found an interview with ( Luke Smith )(a bungie DLC director) I am going to paste a quote below and let you make an educated guess why this guy wants to talk in dolllllller $$$ [b]Eurogamer[/b]: Taken King costs £39.99, which is almost same as base game. Does its content justify that? [b]Luke Smith[/b]: I'm going to use American dollars, because British pounds are just foreign to me... [b]Eurogamer[/b]: Literally foreign. [b]Luke Smith[/b]: Indeed, hummmmmmmmmm😕 this guy is a director.... In a multi million dollar company.... And he can not comprehend the pound. It's not rocket science Luke, 1 pound is 1 dollar 56 cent. So assuming you have some form of mathematical education I urge you to work out how much more, We the UK fans will pay in comparison to the US fan. ( just for the people interested at home its ( £14,40 )( $22,50 ) more we will pay for the same stock.... I mean come on whyyyy do this to me, I could pay me internet bill for the month to play your game with nearly 15 quid... What have I done ( apart form buy your game Plus 2 DLCs and play every day for the last year ) to deserve this kick in the ⚽️⚽️s. For me when I think of this and stand back and look in from an outside perspective I really really think bungie as a company let me (the UK year one fan/supporter) down. We all have our opinions and criticisms on how bungie run their business but when you look at this situation and the way bungie is showing inequality towards the UK fans by charging them extra for the same content the US fans will receive, It really does raise the question who is in charge of these decisions and do they recognise the bad taste left in fans mouths. There is still time to rectify this issue. Fallout 4 should hopefully pull me away from this addictive game. green.

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