For those that didn't see my other post, I play with 1 arm due to a motorcycle accident. Last video [url=](Crota Hard 1 sword)[/url]
After my last post, you guys were so positive (I can't thank you enough for that) that you made me want to push myself, so decided to have a go at a solo run ... turned out to be my first flawless too :) though the achievement didn't pop :(
It was definitely a challenge and I definitely need more practice before attempting hard but that's my next goal!
Sorry its so long, I don't have any video editing software and wanted to show it start to finish.
Thanks again, you guys made my week with all the positive comments in my other post!
I hope you enjoy!
Answers to common questions from last post were:
Standard Controller with Kontrol Freeks
Sensitivity 4-5
Default button and stick layout
Yes, I do play Crucible, no I'm not good lol
Nicely done. But just a tip: take those dreaded explosive round off the fatebringer firefly will occur a lot more ;)
that was awesome great job
You should contact one of the controller mod companies to see if they could build you a custom controller to accomodate your condition. You obviously do not need it, but deserve it.
Awesome dude!!! You rock!
Amazing!! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 Amazing!!
You never cease to amaze me!
Wow, you really pissed that Knight off at Crota!! Great run. Impressive! Looking forward to whatever you have planned next.
Dude, that was just awesome!
Giggle monster on youtube just copied this.
I seent it
I wonder what u could do with 2 hands... Great job bro!
That's some next level gaming there. Great job
Holy hell nice job. I lyrically couldn't do it with two hands. Keep up the nice work.
The Legend Himself, Sc_Slayerage, you've been called out my good sir, get to work!
That's awesome!
Edited by Never Black: 8/5/2015 10:14:57 PMHmmmm
> Start > Log Out > Switch Profile > Start > Pick Your GT > Select Character > Profit
I saw your first video, and was so inspired. This is so completely awesome. Good on you man :D
Well done. Awesome user named.
#cantclapwontclap, haha I love your own attitude about it all, inspirational, I commend you
You sir have my respect. Awesome just awesome. [spoiler]you rock big time[/spoiler]
As I told you last night, AWESOME!!! I'm amazed at how well you control everything. Keep it going.
Hand solo? Love it
Edited by Guandao88: 8/3/2015 9:21:18 PMThat is incredible... I'm completely stunned! You sir, are an inspiration!