Those are all some really goodnthings. But remember with the exception of the vault space (which is limited due to last gen). These are not simple flip of the switch requests.
Obviously the community has been vocal about many of those things. But these things also take time.
Persoanlly I feel like many of these things are not far off. Maybe with TTK with actually making us level up to 30, they are trying to phase out light levels, as they haven't exactly been well received.
Personally, I want to see a transmog system, similar to WOW, so I can use whatever armor I want.
I'm confident this game will grow and evolve in big ways, but it's going to take time.
For sure, none of that stuff could happen overnight or even be realistic, unfortunately it was all alluded/hyped/expected around 2013, but when the game actually released..nada. Also, Yeah, a straight transmog system seems like a no-brainer. They made the helmet on-off in tower sound so easy, swapping the model for any and all weapons and armors may not be too far off? (Excluding exotics of course)
Yeah, but a lot of that has to do with all the political stuff that happened. Hell the shell of a game they gave us in such a shprt amount of time is a testament to what they are capable of if you really think about it.
Can't argue with that.
Good talk man. Nice to actually have a discussion with a person.
For sure, and same to you! Feel free to Add me if you're on XBL. Haha, also, of course, the ninjas have brought down the hammer and hidden this post as well...