Why do people say Clown Cartridge is better than Tripod? The perfect roll according to the community is Clown Cartridge, Javelin, and Grenades and Horseshoes. Why is CC better than Tripod? Why not have Tripod, Javelin, and GnH?
The quick answer. Clown cartridge gives you the chance for 1-3 bonus rockets pet heavy pick up. Tripod only shifts 2 rockets from your reserve to your tube. You still get 4 rockets with or without tripod. I've played with both and have had the chance to get up to 7 rockets...it's a great feeling... BUT, I ran into enough situations where the reload speed took too long and I died where if I had tripod, I would've at least fired another rocket. If you are a slower player...snipers/pulse/scout rifle, then clown cartridge is the best bet.
Clown cartridge is good because you have the potential to get more rockets every time you reload. If you have an armor that lets you hold more heavy ammo, then you will have more chances to get more rockets. With tripod, you will reliably always get 3 rockets which is good but the potential of having more than that is one of the reasons why clown cartridge is recommended over tripod. A good explanation I can give is with my two Radegast's Fury. I have an older Radegast's Fury (ORF) rolled with grenade and horseshoes, field scout, and clown cartridge and a new Radegast's Fury (NRF) with tripod, javelin, and tracking. For ORF, with an heavy ammo armor perk and field scout, I will pick up 4 rockets, 2 in the tube, 2 in reserve. For NRF, with an heavy ammo armor perk, I will pick up 4 rockets as well however it will be 3 in the tube and only 1 in reserve. Now, for NRF, 4 rockets is the maximum amount of rockets that I will ever be able to pick up and shoot. The story is different with my ORF. Since I have 2 rockets in reserve, if I reload after every rocket I shoot and the Clown Cartridge perk procs, I can have a maximum of 6 rockets to fire. So let's say you start out like this: Tube - Reserve 2 - 2 You shoot a rocket (1 - 2), reload, and clown cartridge procs, your ammo count will now look like this: 3-1 (Quick note: You can't reload when you are back at (2 - 1) since your standard max rockets in the tube is only 2.) Now let's say you shoot 2 more rockets (1-1), reload, and clown cartridge procs, your ammo count will now look like this: 3-0 That's a max of six rockets that I've just launched at my opponent where otherwise I should have only been able to launch 4. Without field scout, you have a chance to gain 1 additional rocket because you have 3 chances for the perk to proc instead of 2 with the drawback that you have to reload more often. Basically it comes down to if you want more reliability in your life or you feel like gambling. Tripod would be the reliable perk to have since you are guaranteed 3 rockets in the tube. On the other hand, if you like to take chances and be rewarded for it, Clown Cartridge is the perk that you would get. Hope this helps.
Tripod is better for trials, as you only have 3 enemies to kill. Clown cartridge is better for any mode you have more enemies to kill.
With tripod you will always have 4 rounds in pvp. With clown cart you also get 4 PLUS whatever bonus rockets proc. This could mean 7 total rockets in one pvp drop, and it happens pretty regularly to me anyway.
Tipod you have three rockets in the chamber plus one in reserve if you have armor with carry more heavy ammo. Clown cartrige you will have 1 in chamber with three in reserve. If you fire all 4 rockets you will have three chances you double your rockets in the chamber. This will give you a possible maximum 7 rockets.