Come join us guardian, and leave the LFG or your wandering clan behind...
Knights of the Phoenix is an End-Game focused clan for adult, XB1 Destiny grinders. We are the "try-hards" who broke ranks with our old clan due to many players leaving Destiny for other games in-between DLC's. We helped our old clan claim 1st and 2nd in every clan war we've participated in but we've grown weary of the in-actives.
We're looking for players that want to make Mercury runs with us, destroy Skolas in less than an hour and a half, and crush it in the competitions.
Requirements for admittance:
You run 3 characters
You show respect
You're 16+ in age
You can communicate using our preferred phone messaging app
U.S. or UK time zone
Lifetime kd above 1.0 on preferred character
Destiny is the main game you play
Secretary of Bone Burning,