Zhackie trots down he roads of Tokyo Town, making his way to a local Gunz for Funz. A bag full of cans of black coffee swings in his left arm as he walks with his quick pace. He instructs Rom to wait outside as he enters. "I need some custom armor" he says to the cashier, getting straight to the point. On the table he lays down a set of blueprints and a rather strange looking rifle with a barrel pointing back, who the hell would use such a thing. "Red lenses on the mask please, I also need 5 clips of the rounds this gun would use" he continues saying with his usual creepy smile. "I'd like to browse your selection of pre-designed armor"
Blurprints: http://i.imgur.com/KeJC7wG.jpg (KAP8 details not mentioned)
The cashier peers at the rifle, and then the blueprints. He gives you 50 12mms. "5,000 for the ammo, 5,000 for the mask, since, you know, it filters an illegal substance."
He smiles a bit more. "Sounds magnificent, I'd also like a vest if those are available. The most easily concealable one you got, just something that can protect me from 12 shots in the back, imaginary scenario" He says as he navigates his Tac Pad, ready to upload the proper credits.
"Yeah, we got Rhino-Hide vests. 1,000 each."
"Bringing me to a grand total of 11,000, I'll make it 13,000 if you delete any and all traces of the mask request afterwards"
The cashier is silent for a moment before saying "It's a deal."
His smile turns to more of a smirk. "Done deal then" He swipes his Tac Pad and pays the proper credits. He collects his ammunition and puts it in his single strap bag, then he takes his vest. "Take your time with the mask" He says as he exits.
"Alright." the cashier says before striding into the back room of the store.