How man Spartans died before chief came in?
The only reason so man people jump to chief so readily is because destiny don't have a poster boy.
Halo has chief. Destiny has ???
I got a better poll. Average spartan vs average guardian?
Think the results would be less one sided.
Depends on what generation Spartan then. Most iis and well trained ivs would be an even match for your average Guardian, but iiis would be disadvantaged and is would be... Very disadvantaged.
We could use Saint-14. He head butted a Kell to death.
Destiny simply has no noteble character to put up to fight like halo does. Sure WE are the guardians and all that, but halo is more story driven and has the character roster to bring to the fight. It's just hard to get a accurate poll when putting any notable character against some anonymous character. The popularity will automatically skew the results, to no fault of its own of course.