Why don't you shut down for a bit while I screw around a bit, eh?
Uhh..okay. *ghost's middle turned off and his body drop to the ground*
*picks you up and puts you on table so you don't get stepped on* *bang* [b]Time to -blam!- around a bit![/b]
Hmm. Just like this. The life of the ghost is like this titan. Just know that if i was being a such ass, well. You know.
*goes into the dead ghost and looks at its memories*
So, what are you going to do? Upload yourself to that ghost?
[b]just see what it's got[/b]
Okay. I am not like him so i don't care. Ahaha. Have a good night. Titan.
[b]Okay.[/b] *searches the Ghosts memories and accidentally uploads self into it*
Well, i can get you out of there.
Meh I'll be fine for now.
Yeah. It is unique experience.
Okay now how Dafuq do I work this thing properly. It's dead so it's quite sloppy in floating around, I can't see shit because the eye is cracked. And in pretty sure it has a hole in its side. Wait.... I think I found someth--- *shutdown*
*repair and reactivate* Haha. Now it will be more comfortable.
Okay good.
Anyway, how can you be like that? You can just become a ethereal form of yourself and takes ghost over. Interesting.
I don't know. I just die, become a ghost, and I can go into anything I want really.
Well, then the answer is space magic. Ah, yes. No no no no. 'Hello, do you mind if i invade this place?' Of course you idiot. *fires gjallarhorn at the security door.
Is.... That gonna screw us over soon? The door is gone...
*wakes* the hell just happened? I think i heard explosion. Yeah. They found us. -blam!-. Titan? Where are you. Ah..you changed your body again. Right?
Mhm. It was really on accident tho but -blam!- it. Maybe they won't recognize us....
'Hmm..Hello A Titan, nice meet you and..you are dead? Hmm..right. send his body to the tower!'
OH COME THE -blam!- ON.
'Umm..send these ghosts to tower!' Uh -blam!-. Now we are screwed.
*Gets taken to the tower and locked in energy cell with titan's body* Ah. This is stupid. I agree.