Ok I'm going to do this DeathBattle Style, so in a Fight between a Guardian and The Legendary Master Chief who would win....
ok so the Guardian charges after MC he flips over him, MC decided it's time for a little fun fight so he pulls out is trusty DSR and start firing the Guardian if it's on the SC it would blank or the super jumper over MC and melee him tho there melees are strong MCs suit would be able to withstand the strength So MC decides to jump over the Guardian grabbing his arm and then assassinating him but MC see something strange, it's a Small flying robot scanning the remains of the body than all of a sudden the Guardian is reborn, the Guardian decides it's time for drastic measures so he uses his Super Charge of its a Nova Bomb, Fist Of Havic, BladeDancer or even golden gun master chief reflexes gets the best of him and he puts his armor on armor lock, the Guardian and ghost surprised and amazed, MC then sticks the Guardian.... He dies but the MC see the Ghost so he throws a sticky on it too.
Master Chief One
If you want me to explain why then reply to this and if you want to see what happens if the MC goes against a whole FireTeam then ask....
Note: Sorry for the bad grammar I was writing this and doing research, in joy
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