[b]Mike walks over to Faith.[/b]
"So... You with this 'Vanguard'?"
[b]faith opens her eyes[/b] "Yes, you're speaking to its leader."
"I'd like to join."
"Why do you wish to join?"
"I'm tired of the people without power being killed mercilessly. Isn't it the duty of those in power to protect those who aren't?"
"You will fit in perfectly."
"So... Now what?"
"We need one more person."
"How many others are there?"
"Five including you."
"What do you need me to do as of now?"
"Find people who share our goals and recruit them."
"Will do. How will I know when you need me?"
"You will will get a message with our symbol with it."
"I will help whenever possible." [b]Mike walks away.[/b]
"Good luck!"