All the No Land Beyonders unite against the thorn! We shall stampede into all game modes and destroy everything in our path!
Edit: everybody comment their consoles so we can make fire teams on all four! I can even start a clan for the dominant weapon users
Edit: we want you to join the revolution against the gun that shall not be named! If you want into the revolution, join No Land Beyonders United! We shall reclaim what is rightfully ours!
Edit: if anyone wants to join my new clan here is the [url=]link[/url]
Over 2k kills with that beast. I love it!
In the last week, I've become a proficient No Land Beyonder. Yesterday was my first Mark of the Unbroken. It was in Iron Banner. I was playing solo, no Fireteam. It was with NLB (and my grenades and launcher). However, the reload/sprint glitch is making my left thumb sore as hell, so I may need to lay off of it some.
No Land Beyonders should be called No Land Beyonces since they're all sissies. [spoiler]Sorry, just had to get that joke out somehow. I love NLB. [/spoiler]
Played with mine today. Beat out thorn more times than the other team would like to admit.
Love mine
Bump to -blam!-
It won't drop for me :(
Xbox one
No land beyond for life! Already have a clan called "II Bro Land Beyond II" With a couple of my friends
800+ kills with it! :)
So basically a group of cowards that have to use a weapon that keeps them out of harms way is gaining up against a weapon that you do have to be close to your foe to use. So go ahead and post your smarta** comments. That will never change the fact your cowards.
A Self Res Warlock with the Ram helmet, Thorn, Felwinters and BTRD, one of the most dangerous creatures in the game. With 1 hit from its the on you're screwed! Let's go poke it with a stick.
This is actually a pretty hilarious idea
Best Primary in the game!
Trying to practice sniping so I use the no land a lot
This weapon needs a nerf, too many campers not helping team with it
Sure. Il join. Poke me on xbox one if you want to go nuts with the second hardest hitting primary weapon in the game. Sorry folks but I've been able to hit 14k's with universal remote. Granted anything that can get hit for that much won't live, but it's nice to see those numbers.
Bring back pocket infinity - old
Kill them all yes all of them -
im leveling my NLB so im on my way to be a no land beyonders
I'll just sit by and wait for my Necrochasm to matter.
NLB + Vestian Dynasty = MLG NLB + Shotgun = Scrub
Most satisfying gun in the game to use.
Here are some slightly above average clips. Nlb > thorn anyday