Being that if master chief went to far out of line, BOOOM insta death, killed by the guardians. So being that the people that made both games already said that master chief can be one shot but the guardians it is kinda a no brainer, master chief looses guardians win.
When they say guardians in Halo, they mean a completely different guardian. I think it is probably the guardian in Halo 5, and that is only when the player dies in a way the game can't explain.
Or if you try and run away or stray to far from a fight. And who know if it is a different universe, maybe that is where destiny's huge story line is. Maybe they are just trying to paper clip this game into halo and say it's all one story. Haha but seriously if the next bungie game you are an architect killed by Spartans then we will know for sure it's all connected.