I'm going on a trip soon and will have approximately 30-40 hours of time to kill between flights and layovers.
I'm looking for recommendations on a 3DS or Vita game to play. I already have and like:
Disgaea 1 & 2
Persona 1-4
Child of Light
And a bunch more.
I'm looking for something RPG-like I can grind, but it should also be something I wouldn't mind a fellow passenger seeing (though I kinda want to replay Corpse Party in prep for Blood Drive...)
I do have Muramasa Rebirth and Dragon's Crown sitting unplayed from PS+. Should I stick with one of them?
Any ideas? Thanks.
EDIT: Thanks for the responses everyone. I remembered that Persona Q came out and I hadn't played it yet. I may also have to pick up some of the other games mentioned. Thanks!
Fire Emblem: Awakening.