originally posted in:Dem Old Guys
[b]I'm After Primarys that have Solar, Arc and Burn Damage for Nightfall misions[/b]
Atheon's Epilogue is Void Damage
Vision of Confluence is Sola Damage
Fatebringer is Arc Damage
I need one of each.
Lets put a Raiding Team together to do Vault of Glass once a week.
It has to be in australian time when I am awake!
Will you Help Me?
I'm off Wednesday.. If your on I'll help.. In in the US.. Central time. I'll be on and off all day
Add me. I'll see what I can do to help. I'm in US Mountain Standard Time.
[b]This is by far the Quickest Way to join a Raid of any type.[/b] You don't just Put your gamertag down on a webpage forum and wait to be invited. The way I do it is this: 1. Pick the Raid type you want it must of been updated in the last ten mints. 2. Add the inviters gamertag as a friend. 3. Open Roster when you start destiny 4. go to your new friends Gamertag and see if he is currently playing a Raid and if there is a spare spot for you. 5. Join your friends game in progress. Now your doing your Raid in less then 5 mints
Started a new topic: I got Vision of Confluence on 5 August(2 Replies))
I need them all too feel free to add me to your friends list so I can see when your on
I should be doing a run the weekend
I will