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8/4/2015 7:04:56 AM
Spartan IIs are super augmented soldiers, trained since the age of six, with enhanced brain capacity and reaction time. Their armor is made of multiple layers of the most advanced armors in the world. Their brains are wired to their suits so moving their arm moves the arm of the suit, which is why the Spartans can run and jump and all that stuff, while weighing multiple tons. On what you said about supers, Spartan IIs can either outrun, dodge, or counter attack every single super. Fist of Havoc - Spartan armor locks Ward of Dawn - Spartan pops with Spartan laser of just waits it out Nova Bomb - Spartan could actually outrun it Radiance - even a guardian can counter this easily Golden Gun - Spartan can dodge it (they have been known to dodge sniper bullets) Arc Blade - Spartan could turn the blade onto the hunter wielding it (highly trained in hand to hand combat and with increase reaction time, could dodge the blade faster than the blade could be swung)

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  • First a warlock can 'blind' all the enemy when SR And a blade dancer can go invisible and kill a spartan with a back stab that in the game kills anything in kne hit kill A Titan would place a bubble when the Spartan come close enough ,and blind then or ward of dawn then A nova bomb tracks

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  • Blinding a Spartan doesn't seem that effective because the effect doesn't last very long, and as soon as the warlock melees the Spartan, he knows exactly where he is and will beat his ass Spartans have been fighting invisible enemies for a long time. The elites' cloaking devices are much better than a hunter's. Spartan's wouldn't advance right next to an enemy. They only engage in hand to hand combat when the enemy comes to them, rendering the blinding bubble, useless Lol, nova bomb tracking sucks

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