Guardians are weaker, slower, and not as well trained. Their (personal) weaponry is technically similar in capability. Cheif's armor is significantly stronger and more advanced also chief weighs more than the canal do. Like seriously cabal are 800lbs.
Chief in that armor is 990lbs. Also chief can lift a couple thousand pounds in said armor as well as run 60+ mph, but no more than 74, that speed will tear his Achilles tendon. When it comes to training, physical capabilities, equipment, and comparable feats it's master chief hands down. But we don't know exactly how an arc blade, golden gun, flat of havoc, nova bomb or any super would effect him.
If they act in a similar manor in regards to shielding we have to match their abilities to his available equipment like overshields, jumpjets, bubble shield, Spartan laser, and armor lock. If we're comparing them in the context of all their abilities and equipment them Chief technically has to win because his equipment can match, counter, or out do that of a guardian, but If we're talking no firearms then chief has a significant advantage at the beginning of the fight while a super is not charged and then a moderate to significant disadvantage near the end of the fight depending on the super.
But in the end chiefs reflexes, physical strength, training, speed, and mindset on the battlefield are unmatched by any guardian as we currently know them. I personally would like to think a bladedancer is faster and a titan would be just as strong but the fact of the matter is that we have no hard facts or measurable feats of skill, strength, or speed of guardians all we know is that they have not been able to stand against any great opponent alone. Their greatest achievements and battles are won as teams while chief's have been done alone against comparable insurmountable enemies of great world altering power.
This debate can't truly be decided until we know more of what guardians are really capable of and have a better idea of their strength, skill, and speed
Edited by Bizomin: 8/4/2015 6:02:12 PMBut in the game he can die,to any halo enemy ,am I right ? So if we take movies or books,not in game facts then guardians would win,Titans are almost indestructible they command the battlefield,they're state as demons in the combat fighting with only one goal ,kill everything in their way. Warlocks are state as being able of altering the reality ,from knowing the deepest secrets of the universe ,their minds are the strongest arsenal in the universe (that's write in a grimoire or in an armor don't remember)Osiris find out how to manipulate time and space . I'm not stating you're wrong ,just debating bc is a little bit unfair putting a 14 year old franchise ,one of the biggest in the world ,agains a one year old ,that's the exact same thing as put a teenager against a children
Your absolutely right though. Destiny just hasn't been around long enough for its world to grow with details and examples that current franchises have. I eagerly await for destiny's growth so we can say with affirmation that a titan can fight a spartan 2, that a warlock could last a round with a jedi, and that a hunter could out stealth solid snake.
The difference from the worlds still stands because we don't see any indestructible titan we don't actually get to alter and bend reality as a warlock. Your comparing myths and legends from one universe to actual recorded facts in the other universe. You can't compare lore to a military dossier because lore, myths, and legend at their core are hyperbole of actual events. Guardians still die. Titans still get destroyed by any normal gun. Warlock powers are still very limited. Guardians do seem to be immortal but only if a ghost is near the traveler's light and ghosts can be killed which a trained military operative would notice. If you include lore and the myths surrounding guardians and not just facts you have to do the same for master chief. And the lore and myths surrounding him from 3 different alien races is that he is an immortal unstoppable demon of war not a simple individual but a single undying force of war that can (and has) slay armies alone. I'm not a halo fan boy I simply know the character. I'm a desticle and want guardians to be stronger faster and more powerful but I will not make arguments on their behalf based on assumptions and myths without including Chief's assumptions and myths because omitting information or including a type of information on one side only is a bias argument and not an actual comparison. Because if we include all the myths and assumptions based on them of guardians, chief still wins because of current assumptions about him being a crafted and perfected template of the forerunner Bornsteller and his abilities to be recognised as him by forerunner technologies such as the monitors like guilty spark. At that point it's no longer a guardian vs chief its a guardian vs one of the most powerful forerunners to have ever existed in the halo universe who has access and capability to control and manipulate all forerunner tech that recognizes Bornsteller(this includes the halo rings)
I know that man lol That's what I said ,we can only compared in game facts ,what the MC can do and what a guardian can do ,cause In the outside story we both know they're almost gods lol So that's why this debate will never end a guardian will never face MC enemy's and MC will never face destiny enemy's
Someone needs to get screw attack on this. Like a fireteam vs blue team
Agree or alpha against bravo lol
Master Chief killed 3 ODSTs with his bare arms and without any armor in 1 minute or so when he was 6 years old. Not every guardian is as skilled and well trained as an ODST. I think that a whole fireteam of Guardians don't have any chances against Master Chief.
Lol wasn't that on accident to? Like they were sparing weren't they? Haha
Edited by nevai: 8/4/2015 10:55:42 AMNo, he tried to flee from training camp as far as I remember and they were sent to stop him, but I don't remember how exactly that happened so I may be wrong about details.