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Edited by Spectre Ronin: 8/4/2015 7:27:33 AM
Guardians are weaker, slower, and not as well trained. Their (personal) weaponry is technically similar in capability. Cheif's armor is significantly stronger and more advanced also chief weighs more than the canal do. Like seriously cabal are 800lbs. Chief in that armor is 990lbs. Also chief can lift a couple thousand pounds in said armor as well as run 60+ mph, but no more than 74, that speed will tear his Achilles tendon. When it comes to training, physical capabilities, equipment, and comparable feats it's master chief hands down. But we don't know exactly how an arc blade, golden gun, flat of havoc, nova bomb or any super would effect him. If they act in a similar manor in regards to shielding we have to match their abilities to his available equipment like overshields, jumpjets, bubble shield, Spartan laser, and armor lock. If we're comparing them in the context of all their abilities and equipment them Chief technically has to win because his equipment can match, counter, or out do that of a guardian, but If we're talking no firearms then chief has a significant advantage at the beginning of the fight while a super is not charged and then a moderate to significant disadvantage near the end of the fight depending on the super. But in the end chiefs reflexes, physical strength, training, speed, and mindset on the battlefield are unmatched by any guardian as we currently know them. I personally would like to think a bladedancer is faster and a titan would be just as strong but the fact of the matter is that we have no hard facts or measurable feats of skill, strength, or speed of guardians all we know is that they have not been able to stand against any great opponent alone. Their greatest achievements and battles are won as teams while chief's have been done alone against comparable insurmountable enemies of great world altering power. This debate can't truly be decided until we know more of what guardians are really capable of and have a better idea of their strength, skill, and speed

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