A very recent GameInformer article about The Taken King has announced that the Guardian's Ghost will be voiced by frequent gaming voice actor Nolan North moving forward. What do you think of this changing of the guard? Any names for our new -bot? Will you miss Dinklebot? Comment your thoughts below.
Edit #1: They are completely replacing Peter Dinklage's work as Ghost. Once The Taken King drops, all vanilla Destiny Ghost voice will also be voiced by Nolan North, who has recorded all of Ghost's original lines.
Edit #2: I am making a new post about this for names for the new bot. There are some great ones that started right on this forum that I have seen scattered across the cosmos since! Link is here:
Let the salty tears begin. Because the only way to hear all the replaced mission dialogue is...to......replay all the missions...lol. Be even funnier if they put new cut scenes in to fill in the story, then you pretty much would have to replay it all.
It's the same guy who does Edward Richtofens crazy German accent. I think ghost is going to sound good.
A CELL, FROM THE PRISON OF ELDERS better still be 5 times louder than everything else in the game. That's all I care about.
"That came from the moon" Or was the word wizard in there somewhere? I forget already. I might check out some of his audio just to get a feel for the new lines before they can be heard.
Nolan north? As in the voice of the voices of deadpool? Thanks bungie.
I hope this is all true. It'll be sweet to run through everything again just to hear the new lines! "... little light." "Don't do that."
I don't know how to feel about this. Kind of annoyed over all I guess. I wonder just how bad Dinklage was directed for the lines. We have heard what he can do. All his work here felt flat. Good bye Little Light. At least I have my replica.
What does the TGS in your name stand for?
Were the only suckers who payed $80 for a beta........
Will probably be better. [b]A CELL, FROM THE PRISON OF ELDERS.[/b]
I'd rather have consistency than to have my AI's voice suddenly change for no apparent reason.
Why? That's bullshit. Peter is awesome the Bungie writers are the ones that need to be replaced.
Who the -blam!- is that, he hangs out with pool, Who the -blam!- is that, but he ain't a fool, He's -blam!-ing cable, -blam!-ing cable, -blam!-ing cable...
All hail Nolanbot!
Sounds like BUNGIE wasted alot of money on dinklebot only to replace him entirely.
I'm ok with it. Dinklage is a great actor but he probably agreed with us that the dialog was lame lady tine and didn't want to keep doing it for the next 4 releases or whatever. Plus he's probably expensive. Hopefully they tweak sone if the dialog or otherwise have the new guy put some serious emotion into it There's a wizard here. You have to kill it
We will call him the north star [spoiler]nolan north[/spoiler]
As long as I don't have to keep holding down square to open some BS door or computer, I don't care who does it.
Drakebot? (Uncharted reference)
Thank god!
Another voice for a very boring character.. yawn. stupid game.
R.I.P Dinklebot