Then Bungie is wrong. Gods are by definition invulnerable. You do understand that even if it is hard to kill those bosses, which was easy because they are just bullet sponges and have standard enemy AI's. They can die so they are not gods.
Edited by TheMasterDB8er: 8/4/2015 8:40:59 PMEver played god of war?
Sorry man but THEY created both games if they state something that's a law Don't matter if it makes sense of not they're both destiny's and halo's gods
Bullets ,supers ,grandees nothing can deal damage to then Only using their own weapons ,the ones THEY use to kill us
If you're using their weapons to kill them, wouldn't that make the guardians seem weaker then?
Edited by Bizomin: 8/5/2015 12:32:31 AMIt would make us seen weaker ,for people that aren't able of rationalizing that to beat someone you need to be stronger. Actually means we aren't well equipped enough ,and the opposite of weaker ,bc if you can kill someone that's means you're stronger then him ,so your logic is really messed
You don't actually have to be stronger to beat someone. But if we aware judging by strength, Master Chief would win.
Although you're right on not needing to be stronger to win, master chief still wouldnt stand a chance against guardians. Here's why. -Chief has inhuman reflexes? So do guardians, but they don't have organic muscles to slow them down, so they could even be faster. -Chief would get unfairly overpowered, in a close range match against all but hunters (who would need to rely on their speed more). -Chiefs normal weapons (BR, magnum, etc), and grenades would be no match for a guardians high tech weaponry, and light grenades (which also regenerate). Guardians > Spartans