[b]He smiles and fixes his tie.[/b]
[b]walks over and kisses you[/b]
[b]Kisses back[/b] "I really shouldn't be doing this on the job."
"No ones around or watching it's fine"
"Yeah true but it's my first day and I don't want to get fired already."
"I put the camera feed on a loop n one will notice"
"I'm supposed to keep an eye on this place."
"Not even a kiss?"
[b]He kisses her.[/b]
[b]kisses back and puts her arms around you[/b]
[b]He moves his hands to her waist.[/b]
[b]pulls you closer[/b]
[b]He continues to kiss her[/b]
[b]He puts a hand on the back of her neck to prolong the kiss.[/b]
[b]continues kissing you[/b]
"I like the way you say hi."
"I thought you might"
[b]He smiles and leans on a wall.[/b] "Did you know I was working for Kai?"
"I had my suspicions"
"Yeah how so?"
"Well I assumed that's where you went every day. Also any news on the heist?"
"Well yeah but today is my first day. Nothing yet. Kai's busy at the moment."
"And that's the other thing what is he doing?"
"I have no idea. I barely got the job yesterday. Went through training and such. Wasn't bad. But today is my first day and I'm supposed to watch his office and everyone is making a big fuss that a "rookie" is watching over the bosses office."