Everyone seems to be complaining about the shader having not exploded from the womb that is the Special Orders post. But I seem to feel like satisfaction lies in a different area of concern. What we all did for the relief campaign was something pretty amazing. The gaming community was not only unified, but through a medium we all find special, we were able to actually cause some good in the world. I want to look forward to more proactive attempts at rousing the army of Guardians that play a role in making the world a better place. Don't get me wrong. The shirt, and shader played a huge role in even MY reason for contributing. I am no pedestal mounted display of selflessness. But the feeling I have is one that makes the shader at this moment in time seem like the least of troubles. Bungie, thank you for the entertainment you provide, thank you for consistently striving to please a picky and sometimes unrealistic audience, and thank you so so much for Nepal. I want to participate in movements aimed at making the world a better place on the reg. Also, do you think you could get some photos of our money in action in Nepal? Maybe some banners for our profiles? Something to remind us of what we are capable of as a unit.
Anyway, you all are not wrong to be hoping for that shader any day now, but smile in your hearts guardians. Look at what is most important. And most of all, take pride in what we accomplished. Cheers!
Glad to know I'm not the only one looking for that code to come in but I am glad that #Bungie stepped up to help out.