[b]You manage to freeze the two cyber police cars, but the hover tank behind rolls to its side aiming and firing towards you and shift. The remaining stand behind the tank for cover, and They fire at your position.[/b]
[spoiler]Thanks for the help -_-[/spoiler] [b]Shift throws his glaive beside the tank, and pushes it towards the police at blinding speed using TK[/b]
[b]lifts the tank nd slams it on top of the police and overwatch[/b]
[b]A wave of fire and a stream of lightning it the ice, creating a chemical reaction. The vehicles explode. And several over watch soldiers are dropped from orbit and deploy.[/b]
[b]I shoot a penetrating bolt of lightning at them[/b]
[b]lifts them and slams them into walls killing them[/b]