This is all the leaked content of ttk read this before you make your decision to quit
Some of it sounds really good but do you think they can seriously implement all that given the time scale from how to ttk? Seems like if it's all true, they have been working on this for a good while.
This is what you have to remember. When the original game was completed Rey immediately started work on the first two dlcs , the dark below and house of wolves. They were polishing the dlcs when destiny was released. So since around October I would sAy they have been working on the taken king expansion. They have just been modifying it according to feedback from the community. As you can read from the game informer article, this is what the game should have been at initial launch. It's just frustrating that after 140$ we finally get the game that has been shown and talked about for the last 4-5 years.
Wouldn't jump the gun just yet. Hopefully it's the making of the game we all expected. Like you its cost me £80 plus £40 for ttk to get it to that stage. That's the only thing I'm annoyed about. Still had fun though so can't complain too much.
I mean destiny has def been a good game but what we're about to get will be amazing. It's definitely gonna be more than what we initially anticipated of the vanilla game
They have been, they want to get it right and I believe they will. Just think of it as year one as the true beta and now we get all the content we want and a better game with all the knowledge of how to play the game. And this is only what's leaked not all of it
Cosmo is saying there going to reveal more info in the next week or so. Has the amount of content for ttk been revealed yet?
Not entirely and I don't think they will release everything. I'm sure they want to surprise us with something