If you're worried that your hard work IN A VIDEO GAME is going to be invalidated soon, then you need to re-think your life choices. You people need to learn to let go. Destiny is a ten year endeavor, you seriously thought you were going to use your VoC or Fatebringer for 10 years?
OP is literally retarded.
OP evidentially never had true hardships. Too much is going on in real life to get upset at losing the ability to use a favorite gun in a game. {reaches for phone and dials 911} {ring} {ring} We are sorry, all of our WHAAAAAMBULANCES are currently busy with other threads. Please wait and your thread will be answered when we give a damn.
The truth hurts doesn't OP, Took the words right out of my mouth.
I feel as though people sometimes forget that destiny is just a game..
Couldn't agree more