Because you say "your" you are obviously a ps4 player. You can't really even compare the two. The halo universe is massively HUGE compared to that of destiny
Witch is why this argument is useless You even said it
I supposed that the reason of that is bc halo is 14 times the age of destiny ,so the halo 1 against destiny 1 wouldn't win
Edited by x Reclaimer x: 8/5/2015 1:33:51 AMOf course not. But the lore behind halo 1 is massive. You have reach.... Many many books. All of halo wars basically. And idk Halo wars 2 just got announced
Lol man Almost anything has a better in-game lore then destiny lol The only place where you can find some story is in the grimoire ,and despite it has amazing stories still are veryyyyyyyyyy few ones compared to halo lol
Yeah. Glad someone agrees lol
I love the game and the story behind it,bc it only has story behind it lol,but when it comes to in-game story ,we are screed lol