originally posted in:Shadow Forged Council
New to destiny. First lvl30 character and I'm looking to get some experience running raids and getting ready for taken king. Looking to run any level of strikes and bounty runs. I suck at pvp but I am working on getting geared up to run those better.
My hours currently run late night EST since i work 2nd shift until between 10-11:30pm.
Side question: I'm trying to find one of the bounty leads that brings me closer to an exotic bad juju or something close to it. Is it just random chance after doing stuff in game?
Exotic Bounties are randomly awarded AFAIK and the easiest way to get them is to complete Vanguard/Crucible Bounties. Welcome to the Clan! If you ever want to play or need help with anything feel free to add/invite/message me whenever :)