I say this because the current maps tailor to close-quarters-combat. I would like to have bigger maps to were you have the choice to go shotgun, fusion rifle, or sniper.
Balanced maps as in weapon choice:
Shores of time
Widow's court
Time keeper ( ps exclusive)
Blind watch
Pls add any map that may seem balanced
Would you rather have bigger maps in the rotation again or smaller maps appear less in rotation.
Personally I rather have more medium sized maps. The reason big maps were taken out of rotation were because of campers.
Everyone is entitled to there own opinion.
Edit 1:
I post this a month ago and people are still commentating on this.
All maps should be put into rotation. Sick of the same handful of maps over and over and over again. Need variety
As much as I hate getting sniped... These maps should be in the normal rotation.
Maps don't have enough players yes if they made it a 9v9
YES, put them in
If only we could have just for one week a big map for trials
All the maps are tailored for close encounters
Lowering the weighting for Shores of Time in the latest patch made me laugh in an annoyed way. I maybe see that map twice a week. Exodus Blue is the only map that I really see come up *too* often. Why can't all maps have an equal chance of getting picked, so that we don't get these uneven selections? I would like to see ALL maps be added to the control & clash playlists. Yes, even the huge ones, because that would add new elements to the game, such as traversal, point defence, long range play and being stealthy.. It's been so long since i've played on Bastion, First Light or Skyshock and I miss playing on the Mars maps because they had their weighting reduced. Plus, you know, it'd be nice to have some variety.
Big maps are still in, just only whenever you're lucky enough for it to be in the -blam!-ing game type rotation, like seriously, why have all these game modes that you can only play once every 3 months
These losers don't like any map they can't spam blink/shotgun.
Bump, signed and loved
Yup, I don't want to play a game mode that only has 3 maps. It should be in regular rotation.
My name is SulfonicDoor069, and I'm happy to be here.
I say medium maps
You can honestly snipe on any map
Yes, I like very large maps and no I am not a sniper. I like moving around large maps and the risk of getting picked off by a sniper. Running around blinking with shotguns to kill each other is incredibly stupid. Large maps force you to be more aware of your surroundings, you can't rely on that red blip to warn you.
Where's the old beta map on moon
Actually, making the maps have a mid-long range spot would help keep Shotguns in check, but how about making Combined Arms a standard playlist? That could even take the place Clash or Control. Just a thought.
Muted for being stupid