The start? [b]I laugh[/b] Far from it. He was the fourth one to volunteer. And only because he was mortally injured on Exalin.
"Ahh I see. When did the genesis project start?" [b]He pulls out a deck of cards and start to mess with it.[/b]
It started on when I was still in the Empire. I developed it as a way to increase a soldiers combat ability. Python was actually the first, and he is currently the most powerful. They're were 8 Genesis soldiers in all.
"And everyone wanted this power right?" [b]He burns the cards and it turns to ashes. [/b]
Nope. Mostly because of the risk of death and extreme pain during the surgery. One the people who went through it actually died. Skin started to disentegrate...
"I see." [b]The ash turns back to cards.[/b]
[b]I smirk.[/b] Anyone else?
"What about you? Tell me your story." [b]He leans back and throws a Jack of spades in his hands. [/b]
Heh. Not much to tell. I joined the Exalin expedition because it seemed like a interesting adventure. And it was. [b]I see your face.[/b] Oh, did you want to know anything specific!
"Yeah like from how you started to how you got to here. I have time I'd don't mind telling me."
Well, I joined the Empire around 19, and became a Scout. I was damned good at it, and I served in the Lenny Wars. That's where I earned these... [b]I gesture to my right eye and left arm, both of which are bionic.[/b] After that, I became Commander of Recon and Special Operations. I'm actually the one who recruited Ginger. I spent half my time developing new tech for the Empire, weapons, armor, etc... And the other half monitoring for threats. When I created the Genesis Surgery, it was much more dangerous. Only after Python volunteered did others follow. Skip ahead a couple of years, and I'm on Exalin. I was a Scientist, scanning and recording life. The mshit hit the fan and long story short we blew up the planet. The few of us that stocked together got hired by this Mega-Corp to capture a Exalin creature that somehow escaped. Turns out they were pricks, betrayed us, and killed Freddy's wife... I ended up killing a executive of the Corp, and became CEO and got half of it, the other given to Jams I told you about Hell. Then a few months later we split up and I became a Bounty Hunter. Fast forward a decade and I'm being interrogated and tortured. Then you new guys come in, and now I'm here.
"Sounds like a very long journey."
Not so much a long journey as an insane one. Here's hoping you guys do better.
Edited by EvoTymes: 8/5/2015 6:24:44 AM"To us."
To you guys. Oh, Jack, before you go, I need to ask you something.
"Yeah what's up?"
I went to my room... And there was a giant hole in the wall. The room was locked, so nobody got in. You have any idea how that could have happened?
[b]Coughs[/b] "Yea uh about that. That might've been me." [b]He laughs nervously.[/b]
Heh. [b]My Scouters start to surround you.[/b] What did you do to make that hole?
[b]He starts to slowly back away.[/b] "I may or may not have messed with a gun."
Close Door. [b]The door slams shut behind you.[/b] You mean one of my prototypes? The ones that use Anti-Matter for ammunition?
Edited by EvoTymes: 8/5/2015 4:28:25 PM"Yeah I guess that's what I used."
[b]I rub my eyes.[/b] Did you touch anything else in there? Anything at all?
"I didn't touch anything else."
[b]I stare at you for a second[/b] ..... Alright. [b]The door opens.[/b] I just needed to know.