I know some of you arent smart enough to have spotted this implication, but basically, light levels are being done away with, and normal leveling will resume, this means, you will lose that 34, and start again at twenty when the new dlc releases.
So whats your reaction to that, and the fact all that hard work for gear to level up islost?
Im suspecting that is your face above considering you just figured it out.
I love it. I prefer XP levels over light, and I don't want to only have to level up 6 levels as that would be boring
Wait so I only have to gain 6 levels as I will start at 34?
Nope if youve reached level 34, u will start at 34. At least someone who played it wrote an article and said 'my transition into the new light system as a 34 was seamless' it was in the news part of the google search for destiny the taken king yesterday Same goes for 33 etc So no need In fact this post is totally unnecessary im sure someones already corrected him. Someones prolly called him a dumbass already. I wonder how long its going to take to go up 6 levels. I know its gonna be more each level but im thinkin the last few would have to be a ton of xp. Or maybe itll be like... if you beat oryx, you go from 35 to 36 or get an item that adds 1 level.
I'm suspecting you are a negative turdbag that refuses to change tour point-of-view no matter what.
This is a good change. Gear light levels was stupid. We should be able to directly effect our progression not based off of gear
Youve got this wrong, we'll all start levelling again, going up from 20, but your armour will Still inflate your level, so for example if you're 34 now, once your base level goes to 22, then your guardian will be level 36 etc
I'm very confused... are we not going to be able to use our exotics now? Is our gear losing their upgrades? Is this change coming to 2.0? Will we still be able to wear our current armor and wield our current legendary and exotic weapons? I have no clue what's going on.
If that's how it works, I wouldn't mind. I'd be able to revisit the old leveling system temporarily. Plus now all of my characters can be max level instead of having to swap armor between my Hunters.
As much as I want to keep my level 34 and just level up to 40. I think starting at 20 would be more fun! Gives you more stuff to do!
I'm curious about that. Cuz even after we hit 20, we'd get a mote of light every now and then - to signify when we should get a level up. So, will be be at 20 in the new DLC or will we be at whatever respective level it would have taken us to had it not been for the light levels. Sorry if that was a bit confusing
So if I wait till the release of TTK to start a new character will I start at level 1 or 20?
I hope it takes a LONG time to get to max level.
I'm actually excited for that. Leveling up by gear is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
No one said we're going to 20, you are assuming. Show me with a link to proof that Bungie said going from light levels to XP would make us all 20. You do realize that even though that big number stopped at 20, your XP has continued to accrue in the back ground.
Im fine[url=http://bosscade.com/d?r=o571NLrne [/url]
There is no way that you have any friends.
I am happy with it. It means we have 20 levels to gain instead of six.
your true xp level is 20 and TTK will let u increase experience not light. so basically we are not at 34 i like it
I'm hyped, it will actually be fun to level up now, instead of buying gear and then boom your max level.
I love paying for beta test
About time. The light level system is not sustainable, and it invalidated your work every expansion anyway. Vanguard gear was either as good as or better than previous raid gear every time. This gives them a chance to do something more inventive with armor than "light level big, make you strong."
I'm looking forward to that. Not so much to scraping my FB and VoC, to be honest. I love those things.
Oh god you mean I can see that gold border around my screen and actually feel accomplished when I get another level? DAMN IT -blam!- YOU BUNGIE YOU'RE ALWAYS MESSING THINGS UP!!! [spoiler]seriously though hell yeah. All for it.[/spoiler]