I know some of you arent smart enough to have spotted this implication, but basically, light levels are being done away with, and normal leveling will resume, this means, you will lose that 34, and start again at twenty when the new dlc releases.
So whats your reaction to that, and the fact all that hard work for gear to level up islost?
Im suspecting that is your face above considering you just figured it out.
POKEMON!!! GOTTA CATCH 'EM ALL!!! POKEMON! Personally I like the way where from level 1-20 we'd earn experience from killing enemies. I think that gaining an actual level is going to be far more satisfying then just gaining a wimpy mote of light that I already have a ton of
I'm fine with it. I's rather have to level up 20 levels than 6. Plus, it makes me feel like this was all a dream for my Guardian and that they're waking up from when they hit 20. c:
Im fine with that to be completely honest, but i just wish they had the level cap to around 60, so its a challenge to get there, that you cant get in a week
Question... If we have to base level and light level/raid gear won't matter. Won't we still be able to wear all of our old gear? So we can all still look different?
Idk why you think this means light levels are being done away with. Many games offer oppertunities to bring your actual level up while still offering gear thar increases your effective level and allows you to deal with enemies much higher than you would be able to. Quit speculating so hard and trying to create drama, there's already enough BS from this game to keep people laughing for years to come.
Haha!! Omg all the 'elitists' will be salty as anything over that... No more "git gud" bull poop cos now we'll ALL have to do the grind... Personally for me it'll make patrols and strikes etc a little more relevant other than bounties and weapon upgrades
Actually kinda like it. Like the way of having an xp bar.
That sounds bananas...must be wrong there buddy. The comments below seem to agree. Someone said that perhaps actual up-levelling based on XP might be applied. Agh.., fvck knows what they will do. XP based up-levelling is probably fairer...grind-a-lot-XP-a-lot...seems fair.
This will sell more Red Bull.
Edited by StiviX: 8/5/2015 5:04:52 PMThere'll be legitimate progress now. No more having to deal with fresh max levels who haven't a clue what to do in mid level content. At least in theory. The GI interview said that transition into the new system is smooth for a 34. If rather not speculate how they'll do it and just wait.
I love the idea
They really-really wont push us back to level 20. The outrage would be astronomical, and it wouldn't make sense to lock people out of content they've cleared hundreds of times.
I fine with it. I mean for some people getting from 34 to 40 just isnt enough. Now we have to earn it not get it. PL us i think it be alot more smooth.
I've heard unconfirmed reports that your current light level will translate to your XP level upon release. Hopefully they do not push us back to level 20.
I'm good with that
I would be fine with that
Edited by LucidFever: 8/5/2015 5:00:41 PMWhy attack the community? And no. I am fine with it.
Wtf are u talking about bungie mever said theyer doing that theyer making it so we can update our crrent armor and weapons but changing the weapons so we wont want to
I'm happy that it is based on XP, so people who do the raid once and get lucky by getting all the gear still have to grind it out until lvl 40
I would think they would make everything relative. I dont see how they would flip a switch and you can't do anything any more. I would assume level limits would be adjusted for raids, nightfalls, etc. Ay least tgem gameplay id getting freshened up.
20 - 40 is the new grind to slow us down. They couldn't start us at 34. Destiny is always about slowing down progression and grinding. I would be surprised if they gave us some system to stay at 34, but they probably won't.
You won't loose level 34... That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard
Sounds like fun. We get an actual leveling system now.
I love it. Gives us a ton of new stuff to look forward to, I personally would not be excited if I just had to keep making the same weapons and armor I have stronger, I like new weapons and new perks, makes people have to earn everything again