I know some of you arent smart enough to have spotted this implication, but basically, light levels are being done away with, and normal leveling will resume, this means, you will lose that 34, and start again at twenty when the new dlc releases.
So whats your reaction to that, and the fact all that hard work for gear to level up islost?
Im suspecting that is your face above considering you just figured it out.
Crucible FTW (rift and mayhem) to grind to 40
It's a game. Who cares.
This hasn't been confirmed to my knowledge.
I'm could care less about light level. the thing is that now people can now have rare armor and still be max.
That sounds AWESOME to me. I needed a change in the leveling.
I like how we can all finally feel the sensation to grind again like we did at the start to year one.
O imagine it's 2 separate things, it shows ur light Lvl and below that it shows ur lvl
Ye I know thought about that too... It may not be the case but I'm fine with going back to 20. It basically makes it from 6 new levels to go through to 20 new levels to go through.
Stopped at "I know some of you aren't smart enough". Fact: people who start statements like live at home with Mommy or alone with no one.
I like it I hated not being able to raid because I was under leveled and had to get the gear. Also I liked the sense of accomplishment when you leveled up.
Edited by ScotchEggsRules: 8/5/2015 3:42:44 PMDoes anyone have a link to any of this information please? Would like to read it for myself.
Im quite excited tbh i didnt like light lvls and now more people will be unique with different armor only postives as far as i can see
It was stated that your base level is going to 40 but weapons and gear will still influence other aspects of your overall level. Before you make condescending posts you should read the whole article and get your facts straight.
Better based on experience again
Happy with it. Light leveling was awesome at first, but over time became a nuisance. It will be nice for armor to be pure defense stats from here on out.
Planet destiny said that Bungie will allow you to upgrade one character to the level required to start the taken king
Edited by A K: 8/5/2015 3:25:28 PM...i never actually liked the idea - i mean, does anyone here actually think that letting RNG decide whether you will (or not) reach Max Level is in ANY way [i]'smart'[/i] or [i]'good idea'[/i]? #forever29
Light is still going to be a stat, it will just be more in line with int/dis/str
So what we won't be able to do vog or Crota or prison or prison of elders ??? I'm pretty sure they won't just make half the content unavailable
Can someone explain the changes? Please?
Read it again it states that ur 34 will carry over
Think about it. That means they have enough content to fill twenty levels as opposed to just two like the last two dlc.
Edited by OnlyAlfredo: 8/5/2015 3:37:59 PMI already figured it out, and I'm not mad. I don't consider it hard work, I consider it a game. Also light levels were the worst thing about this game.
Could be interesting and would give us a good reason to want to kill Oryx. Maybe he kills Dinklebot to do this. But I'm thinking they'll just convert light lvl over. So if you're 34 when you change over it'll start you there on the exp.
I for one am happy to see it go i disliked the light system