I know some of you arent smart enough to have spotted this implication, but basically, light levels are being done away with, and normal leveling will resume, this means, you will lose that 34, and start again at twenty when the new dlc releases.
So whats your reaction to that, and the fact all that hard work for gear to level up islost?
Im suspecting that is your face above considering you just figured it out.
Regardless of if we get reset to 20 thats fine with me, the level system was stupid, tying your level to gear and an RNG was dumb. I much prefer exp gain system like all other MMO type games that rewards time spent in game.
I like it. It means I can wear Blue armor with perks I want, or looks I want, and still be maxed level instead of being forced to wear Light 42 gear to participate in end game content. I mean, we've all seen how ugly PoE armor is. My defense stat could take a hit, and I won't know by how much until more info is released. This is a good change though.
My ok with it. Love the new level system.
I'm curious whether earned experience will count towards your level. For example, will they retroactively look at how much experience your character already has and start you at the corresponding level?
I don't really care.
I am just curious to know how fast leveling is going to be and how far the bew missions will get us. No hard work is lost. You still keep the gear and can still prance about in it.
No it's for people just getting the game to become level 20 and play ttk content
I'll be pissed if me and all the other day 1 people are put on the same level as someone who just played for a week.
Light levels have plagued this game for a long time. The forever 29s in VoG. Getting 32 in CE was better but still same process. Made it logical to have 3 of the same character. New players buying gear on par with yours that you grinded a ton of raids to get. Finally level will be based on experience. At least I hope so from the sound of it.
I do believe raids should give you extra xp though to entice people completing them
I'm kinda happy. I would be happier grinding thru 20 levels in the new content than just 6 levels. 6 levels would be over too soon.
Fucc the light level it is completely worthless
Well, I mean, the armor is still worth [i]something[/i] for the defense value.
Edited by puppyk1sses: 8/5/2015 1:55:36 PMThey had to do away with light levels at one point or another. I'm just glad they figured it out now, not when we're ready lv50+ or something. What a terrible levelling system. Good riddance.
Anyone who complains about normal leveling not tied to RNG gear is ridiculous.
I keep seeing this "we will start from 20" but where is the prof? Has any bungie employee actually said this is the case? You are just assuming you will, stop presenting opinions and assumptions as facts, they are not facts. How do you know we will not start at level 30?
If you are 34 when TTK drops, you'll begin leveling the XP way from 34.
I will wait and hold judgement. We may be level 20 BUT have light level 34 and level up with exp and still keep light level until we hit level 34. No clue. Either way I am happy about exp based leveling VS RNG. It was zero .....I repeat ZERO fun to spend hundreds of hours leveling up and waiting for a VoG chest piece to drop and running the raid carrying a scrub who gets a full VoG set of gear on his 1st run when I have twice the number of kills he does and have run VoG 30 times more then him. That was not fun. Now I feel like my hard work (playtime) will be rewarded with experience leveling.
I really don't want to grind again
Oh hell no aint nobody got time fo dat
C'est la vie.... you are technically only light level 20 now... just your armor boosts you to 34...
It's better than rng leveling. I don't want to be forever 29 again
What does it matter? We will still be able to use the gear we have, meaning will be just as strong as we were before. Bungie also said nothing is level restricted. Why do you people care so much about grind? If you feel you're wasting your time so much, why play video games of all things? After all video games are just fun wastes of time.
I dont really care i loved those first 20 lvls
I don't think you will drop to 20...you will just be 34 and lvl up from there
yea getting to 34 was so hard. took me 2 whole days to get all three characters to 34. xp grinds are easy as f[b]u[/b]ck since no RNG bullshit is involved