Man you have to wonder what the heck is going on. It seem's Bungie feels they made a mistake in year 1 and now there changing everything. I have to ask why the gun nurf?
There making us get rid of all the old gear and guns
And people are say there is no new vault space in TTK. Some may argue, that the nurf that is really only for the new guns. Ok well then why then mess with Blackhammer / Ghorn / Icebreaker?
It has to be because they want the new content to last longer. So they strategically weakened year one the weapons then. That's pretty crappy.
I personally put 1600 hours in year 1
It's No wonder people are mad.
Exotics will probably still be ascendable so the nerfs on those will still be relevant. And they needed black hammer because people who are good with it will use it no matter what
My guess is the current guns, if allowed to carry over as is, would rule in the TTK. So they want to make the new guns more appealing. But that begs the question will these guns even work in VOG, TDB and How? Or Bungie is changing those to work with new nerfed guns or we will need the new guns to play the old raids? So many questions so little answers.
Yeah I'm a little confused too.