To be fair, removing light levels doesn't mean we'll be reset to 20.
They could convert your current light level into an experience level, which would mean that 34-40 leveling is done in TTK content. And that would also mean that you level from 1-34 doing base game and the two DLCs.
Basically, you're assuming stuff and calling it fact right now.
Yes we will be 20.
Can I have a direct quote from somewhere? I genuinely want to know where this information is coming from
Edited by K1msest: 8/5/2015 4:06:09 PMLogic source. If they want us to play Destiny for month's since TTK, they will do it, I can't wait to farm the new VoG gear with my lvl 26 ...
So you're assuming and saying it's fact? Okay. Moving on
Use your brain mate ! 34-14? 20.
Hey.. hey.. guess what.. I was right. Good thing I didn't assume things and treat it like fact.
I haven't seen it confirmed yet. Just what people are saying
Unfortunately the flaw with this is that I have three 34s, and then gear if worn will lower my level to 33 or 32, which XP bonus do I get in the situation? Do I get the max, or do I get whatever gear I'm wearing (I hope I'm not leveling gear at the cutoff)
>lrn2logic >its in the article
Please, quote the part of the article that says all max level players will be level 20 again
What lvl are you when using you have to use light lvl to lvl up
Did you miss the part where I said they can convert your current light level to an experience level? You know how you need a specific amount of light to reach a certain level? Hey, that's pretty similar to a percentage based experience leveling system! Jesus christ some of you are too stupid for words
Yes! Finally someone that understands what I'm trying to say. People are assuming we will be level 20 again, they are also presenting these assumptions as facts, until I see some official confirmation I'm not going to buy into this whole "we will be level 20 again"