originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
I need at least 2 or more fireteam to play the VOG. Everyone is available to join, unless they are not Lv 26 or over.
P.S. I am Lv 27 Warlock
My ID is WKshadowgun01
Xbox 360 Got VOG hard oracles need a new fire team 30+ message for invite GT is above
Looking to run normal VOG (or hard if someone doesn't mind a 29 Titan) on my 7 year old sons Titan to try get him some decent weapons. please add wyattwapple I'll be playing and Ive done VOG a ridiculous amount of times so I know what I'm doing (alanjames17) Thanks
Titan & Warlock Level 34 Max Gally. Looking for VOG Hard. GT same as above Xbox 360
Titan & Warlock Level 34 Max Gally. Looking for VOG Hard. GT same as above Xbox 360
Need 4 for VOG normal I only has one friend and need to run it for the first time. Gt Spudenski
Looking to run a vog normal fresh invite or message for invite gt is same as above. Xb1
If u need al golden chest location go on AtayGamingHd on YouTube
Atheon cp message snipedi for inv normal vog
Gatekeeper cp normal message snipedi for inv
Gatekeeper cp normal message snipedi for inv
34 Titan pro LF fresh hard VOG Gt ll AFTER SH0CK
Ps4 VoG normal need 4 add xcxkingx
are you on PS3?
add eatmypooopy ps4 lvl 28 hunter. down for anything
Add sirredwolf for vog hard and easy
Add livetrace 24 Titan with max gally
vog 2 needed normal 26+ add OrangeCrownz
Guys, I need to have dinner with my family. I might play the raid at 7:00 or 8:00 at UK time.
Need 4 for Vog normal. Not experience required, must have mic. Message me for invite GT Sterlink Archer xbone
Need 4 for NORMAL VOG fresh run. Mic required, experience optional. Msg GT above for inv
Looking for 3 fresh normal must have done it multiple times to join message get same as above
Meet me in Tower.
what are you on?