Deeper in the woods, you find a group of dead G3 operatives from Rosskayan military intelligence. Their bodies bear mysterious burns, but there is no sign of other life in the forest. You find a set of strange footprints, which resemble a human's, but with four symmetrical toes.
Edited by Bean Chili: 8/5/2015 4:13:32 PM"Keep your eyes peeled Jaque says to the group." [b]They inspect the bodies.[/b]
They find the burns to be from some form of projectile weapon, and that they give off an unusually high amount of radiation.
[b]They proceed to the hole.[/b]
Suddenly, as you come to a clearing, you hear the sound of fire. Seconds later, you smell burning flesh. Ahead of you is a small hamlet, buried in the forest. It doesn't look like anyone's living there, and it could be that the villagers were evacuated, but then what is burning?
[b]They check out the commotion.[/b]
You find the bonfire in the center of the hamlet. There are no bodies in the fire, only animals. You pull out a cow at the blaze's edge in order to inspect it. It is barely burned, and horrifically mutated. It has at least six eyes, and multiple legs, twisted and vestigial, extend from its chest and back. A second head bulges half-formed from its neck.
[b]They inspect the town more[/b] "Anyone need a barf bag?" [b]Jaque says jokingly.[/b]
What the hell?
A black helicopter, like those seen at Clockmetal, passes overhead, toward a column of smoke in the distance. Suddenly, you hear more gunfire.
[b]Sam follows[/b]
*double follows*
Shouldn't we inspect the body to see what the wounds might have been caused by?
[spoiler]what does that mean[/spoiler]
((I went with your Idea))
[spoiler]ok[/spoiler] *inspects the body*