The thing is, guardians are all level 20. The light on armor boosts them above that, but TTK is chucking the light system out the window. No light on armor means everyone drops to the base level of 20.
No facts to back that up. They wouldn't reset us.
They aren't reseting us, they are simply removing the light system, which is the crutch our characters used to get past twenty.
That is reseting...
No, they're disabling the armor perk that granted extra levels. Completely different.
You're still being reset to level 20.
If you take your level 34 character and equip him with common and uncommon armor, what happens? You become a level twenty. Have you reset your character? Have you hacked the game? No. You simply have no light points on your character, which is how it will be in TTK.
You don't understand.
Actually I understand completely and unlike you I looked into this further. TTK will include one character boost to level up ONE of your characters to the minimum level required to play TTK, which means that they have to be leveled up from something, and that something is being level twenty. Get rekt.
I already knew that (ಠ_ರೃ)
I don't believe that. If you had we wouldn't have had this discussion.
I originally said you would stay at 34 and you attacked me.. Let that sink in
Your tone, your reasoning, and the words you used indicated to me that you thought light levels would continue to be in effect. If that is actually not what you meant, sorry for wasting your time.
No. I knew they wouldn't. I made a thread about it right when the trailer was posted
Well then it appears our argument was simply a case of us misunderstanding each other. Sorry.
Confirmed by deej, you will stay at 34 when TTK launches. I have links if you need them
Yeah, I just got off of work and found the same stuff. I was trying to decide whether or not to let you know about it or not, then I noticed your comment. You wound up being right, I was wrong. Congrats. ;)
^what he said. And by the way its *lose.. I dont even wanna know why your guardian is loose lol