A grin spread across her face. "Tokyo Town, here and Centra are your friend, these two spots are without argument the most wired sub-cities in all Cidyetica. If you're gonna commit a-" she pauses and looks around. "If you're gonna do something legally debatable, these two are the best places to do so, I assume you know how to teleport" The drinks arrive.
She picks up her coffee and takes a sip. "For your abilities, chips are your life-line. You can find those at a bargain in the black market, otherwise you might have to steal some from a cyber junkie, or buy them for maybe 1,000 credits a chip. oh yeah, junkies are a bunch of extortionists" she lays her drink back on the table. "If you do plan on robbing one, find one in Centra. The ones Downtown are hardcore, armed, a wee bit more dangerous to say" she pauses, as if she forgot what she was about to say.
"Oh right!" she remembers. "Lastly , we're awesome. By that I mean every task is easier with a hacker participating. Don't let the cyborgs or psions intimidate you, we're just as loathed by the monarch as they are, just keep improving your skills and you'll be golden"
Adlei looks a bit overwhelmed. "Teleport? No.. I don't know how to so that yet, and, if a single chip costs 1000 credits... that's all I have. I guess I'll need to steal some, from another town like you said. Thing is, how will I get there?"
"Easy" she says as she rummages through her bag. She pulls out a small flashdrive and slides it over to you. "That one has information on this cities locations and communion. It also had loopholes and backdoors to the train transportation database, use them and you can ride for free, [i]don't publish them[/i] to look cool tho, that's how I get around too. Last thing I want is my method of transportation being patched. Keep it, I know all the information in there by heart" She places her elbows on the table and leans in. "Take my word tho, it's more fun if you overlook it, from any high place I mean"
Adlei looks at the chip before putting it away in his jacket. "Alright, thank you... and I really hope we'll meet again." He drinks some of the water before swiftly leaving the cafe.
You get a message on your Tac Pad: [b]Good luck nerd :D[/b] along with Revy's contact information and a picture of a cat wearing a hat.