Fast-forward to September 15th. All Guardians have left for the Dreadnaught. No one left behind.
Randal the Vandal sits outside his cave in Forgotten Shore, smoking a cigar. Hank the Shank joins him.
Randal: "It's finally just you and me, now."
Hank says something in droid language.
Randal: "Yeah," he laughs, "I never thought I'd listen to the ocean again." He smokes his cigar, and looks to the sky, blowing smoke. He walks into the cave. Hank follows.
Randal: "Ya' think Bungie will ever recognize us, like, officially?"
Hank says something.
Randal laughs: "Didn't think so, either." He pauses. "I wonder what it's like out there, towards Saturn. Never been there myself." He sighs, and turns to his Pike.
Randal: "What do ya' say we go to Skywatch, and kill Omnigul ourselves, Hank? No one else will." He smiles.
Hank talks excitedly, and gets behind him. They take off.
[b][u]NOTE:[/u][/b] This is a prologue. Vote for part 1 if you wish! As well, feedback is greatly appreciated.
EDIT: Alright everyone, part 1 will come out tomorrow! Be hyped!
EDIT 2: Link to Episode 1:
EDIT 3: Unfortunately, the link is faulty. So just search on the forums "Silenced Screams" to find the Episode.
EDIT 4: [b][u]NEVER MIND!!!! IT DOES WORK! USE THE LINK!!!! [/u][/b]
Bump. Somebody like this so i can read this post later