"Like what"
What's your most prized possession?
"This" [b]I hold out a golf club[/b]
Let's play *changes into my wolf form and grabs it then runs*
"Hey!" [b]I start chasing you[/b]
*keeps running*
"I still have flash bangs and I will use them"
*stops and sits down*
"Now give it back" [b]I hold out my hand[/b]
*keeps holding it*
[b]walks up slowly[/b] "drop it"
*drops it and it's been salivated on*
[b]grabs it[/b] "good boy"
*stays silent*
You're forgetting something
"A belly rub?"
"A treat?"
Your choice
"I don't have any treats but I do have this" [b]I pull out a baked potato[/b]
[b]as you inspect it you realize its a good potato[/b]
Maybe you can carry me around
"To were"