I'm very confused... are we not going to be able to use our exotics now? Is our gear losing their upgrades? Is this change coming to 2.0? Will we still be able to wear our current armor and wield our current legendary and exotic weapons? I have no clue what's going on.
Legendary are no longer ascendable, level is down to XP not light.
You only need to be level 20 to wield anything important
No I heard armour will still need to be unlocked via your level, just like it was 1-20. Need to be the right level to wear the gear, but how that works with exotics I don't know
Well year 1 will still be level 20 year 2 might be 30-40 or just depends on the weapon or armor you get, maybe the weapon or armor will say on it. It really doesn't matter, you'll be max level in a week so who cares...