This isn't Berry fair. Its like compairing apples and oranges, so I will do my best.
I am not very familiar with halo so this might be bias. But I'm positive that he did not go up against enemies that can control [b]time[/b] and this [b]their own existance[/b] and [b]come out alive[/b] [/b]3 times. [b]
MC can destroy galaxies.
With enough research, gaurdians could, in theory, destroy existence.
What do you guys think?
Edited by Vesius: 8/5/2015 10:49:21 PMWe have to wait for Bungie to release DLC lol. Also, a single guardian couldn't destroy the galaxy but a Spartan can destroy a planet (a normal Spartan might die in the process but MC would find it funny.)
Funny indeed