People really need to shut up about this already. Hate this game dont play it. This game is amazing and do people forget that this is an MMORPG. This is not Halo online! This is not GTA Online. This if anything is like WoW. Ask anyone who has played WoW for a long time how much money and time they put in the game. Seriously. Console gamers don't understand what this game really is. Those who do dont bitch about it.
Yeah great....except one little detail. IT'S NOT MMORPG.
They have no idea what a real MMORPG is. I had someone earlier arguing with me claiming it was an RPG because it has Solar, Arc and Void Damage for weapons. These are the kinds of morons we're dealing with, its no wonder they eat up and latch onto whatever Bungie puts out there.
I don't do subscriptions based game no matter how awesome they may look, my wallet doesn't need a black hole in it. WoW has nothing to do with this.
Im saying that is what this games build is
This is nothing like wow, the closest game to destiny is warframe, which handles these issues and many more soooooo much better.
Hell, Borderlands even.
Yeah it's massively multi-player with only 16 player lobbies, 6 player raids, and 12 player pvp.....
Don't forget the cutting edge three man fireteams that HoW's dumped.
It is bruh.
You are right, it's not GTA.. Pity, as all the extra content would be free if it was!! Lol
Lol ^